ACIM Workbook lesson 141

The following statements are given for review: My mind holds only what I think with God. (121) “Forgiveness is the key to happiness.” (122) “Forgiveness offers everything I want.” Your mind receives, translates and extends divine impulse from initiation into extension. Smokescreens seem to come and go, ego-mind thoughts seem to leap by, and whims

The Light of Your Presence

Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records about the light of your presence: In “The Power of Now” Eckhart Tolle talks about “the light of your presence”. Please elaborate. We cannot say this often enough: shining the light of your presence on a given situation is more powerful than any method or instrument could

Violence and Cruelty in the World

Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records While I was reading the protocol to open the records the statement “Protect me from all forms of self-centeredness” made me stop and pause. It is clear that any form of self-centeredness would be detrimental to receiving communications from the Akasha. Please share your insights on this.

How to Distinguish Between Thoughts and Divine Impulses

Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records Good morning. How shall we proceed? Good morning. We are here. Still the body, silence the chatter in your mind and sense the space in your mind between the thoughts that are floating by. See how you have allowed thoughts to engage your focus? Let them float