Everything Is Source In Expression

Today’s post follows in the footsteps of the previous message on Creation. I was wondering about the various messengers and their messages of joy, forgiveness, kindness, etc. How pure are these messages? How can I know that they convey God’s message of love? This is what I got: Everything Is Source In Expression All that


Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records regarding appreciation: I read the following statement made by Abraham Hicks “Appreciation and self-love are the most important tools that you could ever nurture. Appreciation of others, and the appreciation of yourself is the closest vibrational match to your Source Energy of anything that we’ve ever witnessed

It Takes Willingness to Let Information Come Through

Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records (part 2 of Channeling) Thank you for allowing me to consult with you again. How should we proceed today? We have the body here. The connection is a bit milky, but we’ll give it a try. Hang in there, we just need to rally some extra support

Scope of the Information Coming Through

Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records: In one of the audio segments available on Youtube Esther Hicks talks about our contact with non-physical and how, through our contact with non-physical, we have access to infinite wisdom. It takes focus and determination, in other words, alignment, in order to receive it and relay it,