How to Consult Your Own Records

This is how you consult your own Akashic Records. It is not very complicated. It is a straightforward procedure that consists of four steps:

  1. Preparatory meditation
  2. The invocation – it helps you focus on the upcoming exchange and lets the guardians of the Akashic Records know of your intent to consult them
  3. The actual exchange
  4. A closing statement

1. Preparatory meditation. Prior to doing the reading you should be mentally prepared to tap into your inner guidance. You cannot do this when your attention is still focused on the outside world. A meditation session will support your intuitive skills to function optimally.

2. The invocation. Linda Howe in each of her books clearly outlines how to best open a session. She offers what she calls the “Pathway Prayer Process”, a statement to phrase your intent and to ask for a safe and secure connection. (explanation on youtube, full text) I have seen other introductory statements. There is no magic here. The essence is to state your intent and to humbly ask for information. Linda Howe has arrived at her opening prayer through trial and error and I highly recommend using her version – it is working for me.

3. The exchange. Once you have opened your records you will feel a subtle change in your body and mind. (I sense a gentle but firm focus of mind and a warmth in my hands. They together indicate the presence of the guardians and the connection that has been established.) Now you can ask your questions and consult your own Akashic Records.

Any question that pops into your mind is a suitable question to present to the Akasha. In her books Linda Howe offers many sample questions you might want to consider asking. In addition, she reassures us that the Akashic Records are governed by three principles: “Judge not, Fear not, Resist not.” If at any time you feel that any of these three is not properly upheld, you will know that you are not tapped into the Akasha. Open questions work best (questions that cannot be answered by a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’). Lastly, the Akasha is not a divination tool. It cannot tell the future, since the future depends on your present intentions, attitudes and actions – all three perfectly suited to consult your own Akashic Records about.

Anyone who offers themselves as a channel is welcome and will be ‘used’, so to speak by the guardians of their Akashic Records. The better you are able to get self out of the way, the better the message will come through, the less distorted the message will be. Distorted is perhaps too strong a term. Everyone has filters and any message that is relayed has to pass through these filters. The smaller the ego the fewer filters there are and the clearer the message will be.

There are several ways that readers receive messages during a session. One reader may rest in the space created and receive impressions or images. They might then want to draw a picture or jot down one or two symbols. Another reader may get concepts or ideas that they subsequently record in an audio device, write down or type into their computer. Go with whatever feels right and comfortable for you.

4. Closing statement. Close by expressing your gratitude for the messages received, followed by a final statement that will allow you to step back into every day reality. Again, Linda Howe proposes a suitable closing statement that I’ve used successfully.

You’re all set! This is the basic procedure. If you would like to read a bit more about how to go about it before you try it out, go to the category How To Read the Akasha on this site and read some of the posts listed there.

How to Consult Your Own Akashic Records