What am I?

Thoughts on “What am I?” in the ACIM Workbook

(Full text of “What am I?” in the workbook)

You are Source as it bounds forward into extension. You are the stream of creative qualities that flow from Source. You are Source and Creation in unity.

Any limitation on your sense of self creates confusion. And confusion is what many experience.

Source bounds forward into extension and experiences Itself in ever new ways. You seem to believe you are connected to a human body. Like everything else the ego has made, the body can be offered up to the Holy Spirit for Its use as a communication channel in the salvation of the world. That is the new purpose the Holy Spirit has given the body. You are all of this process, not just one isolated part of it.

Because of the thrill of experiencing the newness in ever changing form, you may have focused so ardently on matter that you have attached to a certain form by identifying with it, rather than with the entire process of salvation.

That explains the sense of self that most people are familiar with. The body and its circumstances have become their sense of self – a notion so very different and so very much removed from their true nature.

Identification with temporary form is intrinsically frightening. Few will ask where or who they will be when the form, the physical body, passes away, and when they do dwell on the matter they may defer to a godhead that has their best interest at heart. They completely overlook the fact that the cause of their fear, unease and confusion lies in their limited concept of self, and that the answer is to be found in the creative stream that wells up within as well as in creation all around.

What am I? This is a question that only has one answer: I am Source in the process of extending. As long as that answer is not known and lived by the part of the mind that seems attached to a human body, that part of the mind will go through an evolution of all kinds of self-concepts that will eventually arrive at the one truth about the true nature of all of Creation.

This concludes the series of thoughts on the fourteen introductory subjects included in part 2 of the ACIM Workbook. This series will continue with other questions about aspects of life, the first of which “What is Life?” you can find here.

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