What is Creation?

Thoughts on “What is Creation?” in the ACIM Workbook

(Full text of “What is Creation?” in the workbook)

Creation is Source in extension.

In Creation the wholeness that is Source shows Itself to Itself. Source is the cause and Creation is the effect. All that Source is, Creation is and expresses, and all that Creation is, Source receives as Its own. There is no split in continuity, consistency or quality.

People are used to identifying the various facets of Love in expression, such as Forbearance, Peace, Joy, Rest, Freedom, Beauty, Harmony, Light, Compassion, and so forth. Creation is part of the one unified whole, for it is Its extension.

Creation allows Source to get to know itself in ever new ways by the interaction among Its extensions. The soul is one such expression of Source, of Love in expression.

You can only understand who you are when you look with the eyes of Love, for that is what you are and what all of Creation is. Using any lens of a different character through which to view yourself and your surroundings will result in confusion and unhappiness. For Creation is Source’s Love in extension.

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