ACIM Workbook lesson 225

God is my Father, and His Son loves Him.”

Yesterday we looked at the dynamics of Creation from the perspective of the Source of Life that is your source. Today we look at the dynamics of Creation from the perspective of its extension: the Son, You.

Just as an extension cannot be without that which extended it, so is Source incapable of being what it is without the extension once It has extended. It is a two-way street, a continuous reciprocal nurturing dynamic.

The world and the ego mind may make you believe that something that goes from A to B stays there until the moment you decide to take it back to A. In Creation, however, it is different. Once movement is conceived of, there is no difference in character between A and B; they belong together and are in continual exchange. A and B together are the movement.

How full is love and true
With fear behind and peace ahead.
How still the way I’m being led,
The way that leads to You.

Full text of Workbook lesson 225 in ACIM

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