“God is my Father, and He loves His Son.”
Today’s lesson concludes by saying:
“I am weary of the world I see. Reveal what You would have me see instead.” (W-pII.224.2:3-4)
Are you ready to receive? Are you willing to give up your own assessments, to simply drop them all?
The word “reveal” is a subjective term. Life’s reality is omnipresent, eternally. It is in your perception, that, when you have decided to move the dial of your reception to your inner guidance, that Life’s Glory will start to dawn on you. It has been there all along, and has never gone anywhere.
“God is your Father”, meaning: Your origin has been, still is and will forever be the Source of Creation.
“He loves His Son”, meaning: The Source of Creation is forever part of its extensions, it is woven into them, it gives them Life and sustains and encourages them.