“Only my condemnation injures me.”
Today’s lesson explains that even though forgiveness is still an illusion, it is the one and only illusion that does not breed more illusions. Instead, it leads you out of the web of illusions toward salvation.
Within the framework of the world, in which you still feel you operate, the images you see reflect the content of your mind. They reflect who you believe yourself to be and what you hold dear as an extension of that. As long as you do not quite understand who you really are, and thus misunderstand what is truly valuable, there will be images in the world (perceived projections) that will distress you.
There are two options to choose from to respond to a distressing image: point your finger at it accusingly, condemning it, or see it as an invitation to deepen your understanding of who you are. In the first option you will engage with the image on its level and an illusory web will spin itself around you; you will be drawing more and more circles on level of the mirror’s glass. In the second option you will let go of your familiar – distressing – interpretation of the image in order to go within and turn the image over to inner guidance in the recognition that the image is not true – it is a spin disguised as the truth. The only eternal truth there is, is Love and Peace and Freedom in unfoldment, Joy and Beauty in extension.
Forgiveness is still an illusion because it engages with illusions. Once illusions have dissolved, forgiveness will dissolve too, for there will be nothing left that calls for forgiveness.