ACIM Workbook lesson 163

There is no death. The Son of God is free.”

The Son of God is a sparkling idea, the idea of Creation in extension. Death on the other hand, is a flat thought.

When you narrow your focus to a certain form or outcome, your view of the full dynamics of Creation diminishes. The discrepancy between the fullness of your true nature and the limited experience of your focus causes anxiety. The limited focus and the accompanying anxiety find their reflection in images in the world. Now it seems as if you no longer have access to the fullness of Creation.

These images symbolize the gaps you have allowed to occur in your experience of Creation. They are the images of things and occurrences that seem to oppose the idea of Creation: they are loveless, dark, constricting, full of misery, cruelty and strife. They are the thought of death.

The thought of death is a placeholder, a label, that you seem to keep securely in the place where you have allowed a gap to occur, in your experience, between Creation and you.

All the while Creation keeps on flowing, moving and dancing in extension, holding you in its gentle embrace and calling you to experience its fullness.

Full text of Workbook lesson 163 in ACIM

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