ACIM Workbook lesson 137

When I am healed I am not healed alone.

Sickness is a sign that your concept of the body is burdened with a mistaken notion that you are keeping active in your mind. The mind projects that notion as a veil onto the body. The result is a distorted image of the body that, among all other bodies, stands isolated and alone. You now seem to have your own unique medical chart with unique issues, needs and cures.

This is all part of the distortion. In reality your body is transparent in the sense that it perfectly reflects the Life that Creation breathes into it and through it, extending itself ever newly and freshly.

When you think you are ill, you do not optimally experience the channel function that the body ideally performs. But when you withdraw the veils that misconceptions about the body have cast over it, you will notice the function of the body having been and being perfectly performed: Through you the flow of Creation extends and touches everything around you. And you will increasingly notice how everything around you serves the dance of Life meeting Life, Joy meeting Joy, and of Peace meeting Peace.

Full text of Workbook lesson 137 in ACIM

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