ACIM Workbook lesson 129

Beyond this world there is a world I want.

This thought links up with the closing statement of yesterday’s contribution:

“As you progress in freeing your mind from erroneous thoughts you will increasingly get glimpses of the real world when you witness Love, Freedom, Joy and Beauty connecting and expressing in ways that surpass mere form.”

Forms come and go, but creative qualities are forever whole and alive beyond the concept of time. They well up and give life to each and every extension you experience around you. They form a stream of well-being and exuberance that is accessible both within and in the outer world. Look for it inwardly, look for it outwardly. Align with it and move in harmony with it. Focus on whatsoever is lovely, kind, peaceful and joyful. They reflect the real world. And by increasingly directing your attention to the real world you will experience it more and more. Until the day arrives when time dissolves. Then you will have left behind the tendency to focus on anything that is not lovely, kind, peaceful and joyous.

Full text of Workbook lesson 129 in ACIM

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