“God is my strength. Vision is His gift.”
Yesterday we talked about Love, Joy, Light, Creativity, Freedom and Peace traveling with you wherever you go, because they are always available inside. When you turn within and look for and identify with them there, you will see them reflected in Creation around you. Thanks to the repurposing by the Holy Spirit of everything the ego has made, divine qualities are at the core of everything, if only you ask to look with His eyes of Love.
It is your inner alignment with these qualities that affords strength, because these qualities speak of the Christ pattern. You are the channel, the willingness, the presence through which the creative flow flows into the world. You are the reed through which Love and Light breathe Life and Newness into the world.
When you experience that happening you will be on a first row seat, beholding the wonder of Creation unfolding before you and through you. And you—the willing channel—will be unassailable.