“God is in everything I see because God is in my mind.”
Think “Love and Light” for the word “God” and you will get:
“Love and Light are in everything I see because Love and Light are is in my mind.”
The Light in you is in everything you see. The Light that shines in you is the same light that shines in everything. Through that recognition Light connects with Light and rejoices.
The world you see reflects the content of your mind. To explain how this works the Course makes a distinction between extension and projection. Creation’s thoughts extend while the ego’s thoughts project.
Negative thought projects outward, covering the object of attention with a sombre shroud. That dynamic shows you the dreariness that lightless, loveless thoughts project onto Creation’s light.
Creation’s thoughts of Love and Light on the other hand, extend and meet up with Love and Light in joyful recognition. They see nothing else.