ACIM Workbook lesson 22

What I see is a form of vengeance.”

The Course explains how the belief that you created yourself causes a sense of being separated from Life. This belief has caused a split, a discord inside of you. As long as you do not recognize that this discord is active in your mind, it will project discordant images unchecked.

You may sense that something is not right and because you do not see the cause of your discomfort in yourself, you will place the cause in the outside world. You will then feel that the outside world is the disturber of your peace, where in fact you have disturbed your peace yourself.

It may be helpful to think about it this way: On the stage that is the world innumerable scenes are playing out at any given time. There is no lack of choice. Neither is there any reason nor obligation to view one scene as more relevant than any other. Each image is relevant to those involved, to the extent that it reflects their state of mind. The question now becomes: How relevant to you is the image that seems to have drawn your attention? Do you want to get drawn into the image on the level of the image and follow the ego thought system’s dictates?

If the answer is “No”, then turn around and focus on a creative quality that appeals to you, inside or outside, it doesn’t matter, and allow your mind to function on the basis of that. The scene you have turned away from will continue to play out for as long as it reflects the content of the minds of those participating in it. It does not need your reluctant assistance.

If you still feel drawn in, again and again, by a certain image and it bothers you, it means that something in you is resonating and projecting outwardly. The projection is obscuring Creation’s signal and messing up your reception of Creation in Its Perfection. And you will need to do the work of forgiveness: looking at it, finding the place of willingness within to let it go and ask the inner teacher for help.

The quality of the images you see in the world “out there” always reflect the quality of that which you hold within.

Full text of Workbook Lesson 22 in ACIM

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