ACIM Workbook lesson 6

I am upset because I see something that is not there.”

The “something that is not there” is nothing other than a thought of the ego. It is a label the ego’s thought system has strewn around and that you have unwittingly burdened the object of your attention with.

Any type of negative emotion—upset, anger, frustration, desolation, sadness, and so forth—is the ego thought system at work. No person, object or circumstance has the intrinsic capacity to cause any of those emotions in you. It is always a thought from the ego’s system that you happen to entertain about the person, object or circumstance that is causing negative emotion, always.

Negative emotion means that you are not tuned to the Source of Inspiration within, but to a random thought of the ego’s system. A thought like that can be persistent and may have become familiar through habit. But isn’t that all the more reason to release it?

All you need to do at this stage of working with the lessons is to allow your inner light to shine on an upset that presents itself. Whenever you feel upset, consider today’s statement – “I am upset because I see something that is not there” – and you will be reminded that your attunement needs adjusting from outward-directed to inward-directed.

Full text of Workbook Lesson 6 in ACIM

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