
Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records regarding happiness.

ACIM lesson 101 and 116: “God’s will for me is perfect happiness.” Please add your insights.

Happiness is your default setting. You were born happy, you will die happy. Everything in-between that is not happiness is interpretation, perception and projection. It is caused or has to do with desires, expectations, hopes, convictions, beliefs, opinions, preferences, and so on.

Can a person live without any of these? Aren’t these the things that guide a person through life?

Well, for many people they are, and that is why they are having such a hard time of it.

So what do you suggest. Drop them all?

Yes and no. What we are talking about here is identification and attachment to desires, expectations, hopes, convictions, beliefs, opinions, preferences, and so on. It is fine to have them, by all means go ahead, but beware of thinking that you are them.

Remember how Tolle explains time in two ways: clock time and psychological time. Time is not good or bad, it just is. When you use it as clock time it helps you navigate through daily life, being on time, planning your activities, etc. But when you use time as psychological time you become invested in it. Then when you talk about things in the past, those things become part of your identity, and when you talk about things in the future, those things become part of your identity. Whereas your identity lies in the creative impulse expressing here and now.

Similarly, you can use desires, expectations, hopes, convictions, beliefs, opinions, preferences and so on, as a kick starter, they may spur you on and inspire you. Do not invest in them, however. Focus on the here and now and be open to be led.


For example, you may have the opinion or conviction that it is considerate to stay in touch with relatives who live far away by phoning or mailing occasionally. Nothing wrong with that. When you think of this conviction of yours you may be moved to call your cousin on the phone. The minute you are on the phone drop everything and focus on the here and now and on being led.

Another example. Suppose you have a desire to earn more money. Fine, nothing wrong with that. When you think of this desire you may be moved to take some action. The minute you are engaged in this action drop the desire and focus on the here and now and on being led.

Props on a Stage

In a way, desires, expectations and so on, are the props on the stage on which your life enfolds. Props on a stage may inspire an actor to enhance their performance and improvise; but an actor will never identify with a prop, thinking he is the prop. An actress uses a prop to tell a story. It is this, the inspired telling of a story, that you are – never the stage nor the props (circumstances, desires, etc.).


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