
Exchange with the guardians of my Akashic Records about freedom:

In a previous session you talked about the hold physical reality has on us. You concluded by stating that being mindful and present (aware of the spiritual nature of everything including me) lifts everything into grace. Any further information about this would be welcome.

Yes. Mindfulness and awareness of your Presence in any given moment: that is what will lift you from the entanglement in physical form. You can use the three portals, silence, stillness and spaciousness, portals connected to your physical form, to move beyond the physical form.

(Question from Linda Howe’s book “How to Read the Akashic Records”: ) Can you help me get more clear about my relationship with freedom? What is it about freedom that supports my highest good and the highest good of everybody else?

Freedom is your first estate. Freedom is a spiritual quality that can only be approximated by anything physical at best. That is why identification with the body and its features and realm is always very unsatisfying in the end: it is bound per definition. As it should be. For remember: the physical is the extension of vibration that originated in the spiritual. That is where life is.

Extension versus Projection

A Course in Miracles makes the distinction between extension by creation and projection by the ego. Extension is life giving, projection is a dead end street. If you manage to exclusively extend while in the physical body (on the basis of the natural default setting), you would not age and you would not get sick and your physical form would not have to die. Through projection (intending based on the excess baggage you carry with you) you engage in the dead end street. The longer you stay there the more restricted the life flow through your form becomes. It is a paradox really: the more you are able to dis-identify with the body and align with life giving spirit, the more lively your body becomes. It is lively not because of your focus on it, but because of your focus away from it.

Your relationship with freedom is that you and everybody else is free, and this holds as well for each and every form you observe. Beyond each and every form there is the spiritual spark where its vibration originated. That spark was born in freedom, in appreciation of the spark and of the process the spark engages in while extending outward. A tree may die, but a new tree is born in its place. why? Because the original idea of a tree is free and can express freely.

Is a soul comparable to a tree, as far as the spark goes?

Yes and no. The idea of a tree is not ensnared as is the form. The idea of a tree, of anything in nature, moves in its spiritual freedom. You were created to work with these types of ideas and many others, countless others. At the stage you are in at present you avail yourself of the human body because of your identification with physical form to such an extent that your spiritual origin is covered up in your experience to varying degrees. The human form is a form that allows you to begin where you are – enmeshed in physical form – and move from there to alignment with spirit. So in a sense you are not free, because you are still in need of a body in order to complete that movement. When finally you are no longer identified with the body and with physicality, the body will be something you can take on and dispose of (through death or through ascension or whatever, whichever fits best) at will. Your use of it will be completely free, just as the idea of a tree is completely free.

Freedom Is Calling Out to You

The way freedom supports your highest good and the highest good of everybody else is that it is a beacon that calls you, because you recognize it as an essential part of who you are. At the same time you realize that while focused in a body you are not free: and there you have the tension (and the reason why the body was devised and introduced) that causes you to look beyond the body and align with spirit. Your freedom lies in spirit.

Please help me prepare for the next step in the expansion of my freedom.

Even when in circumstances where your body experiences a lack of freedom, you know that this is simply a temporary physical appearance: your true spiritual nature is free. Whenever this happens, become still and silent and feel the spaciousness inside. That is where your freedom is. Once you are aligned with that, the vibration of that alignment will extend outward and manifest itself in physical form. Of course you can physically work your way toward freedom, make it happen by all available means, but that would only cost you in terms of misdirected focus and energy and the results would only be temporary at best. The idea is to align with freedom as the spiritual spark within you and let it extend from there.

Any additional thoughts about spiritual qualities, such as abundance and harmony, and the way they extend from their spiritual source would be welcomed.

Simply substitute another spiritual quality, such as harmony or abundance, for the word freedom in the above and there you have it. Like this:


    “Even when in circumstances where your body experiences a lack of harmony/abundance, you know that this is simply a temporary physical appearance: your true spiritual nature is harmonious/abundant. Whenever this happens become still and silent and feel the spaciousness inside. That is where your harmony/abundance is. Once you are aligned with that, the vibration of that alignment will extend outward and manifest itself in physical form. Of course you can physically work your way toward harmony/abundance, make it happen by all available means, but that would only cost you in terms of misdirected focus and energy and the results would only be temporary at best. The idea is to align with harmony/abundance as the spiritual spark within you and let it extend from there.”

See how that works? You can substitute any other quality or fruits of the spirit as you please: love, joy, tolerance, justice, patience, etc.


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