This Is How I Started Consulting the Akasha

As a student of the Edgar Cayce Readings for many years, I have always been intrigued by the Akashic Records, the place Cayce said he accessed to retrieve information for the people who came to him for help. So when in July 2015 a colleague at work presented me with a copy of Linda Howe‘s book

How To Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archives of the Soul and Its Journey

Book Howe Cover

I began reading that same day. I couldn’t put it down! Upon finishing it the next day I immediately sent for the two sequels

I started doing the recommended practice right away and haven’t stopped since.

This blog reports on the wisdom I found. I set this blog up in order to share that wisdom with you, hoping my accounts will encourage you to find your own inner wisdom by consulting your soul’s Akashic Records.

Sjaak poppy

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